Victory! Public viewing access along Gulf Rd. maintained
The goal of this campaign was to repeal the ordinance calling for a temporary closure of Gulf Rd to motor vehicles and ensure continued public viewing access to Cherry Point
In February of 2022, the Whatcom County Council issued a temporary closure of Gulf Rd to motor vehicles, citing unsubstantiated claims of abuse of the beach. The closure was a concern because there is very limited access to this portion of the coast, and Gulf Rd is a valuable viewing access point for community science efforts, water recreationists, and many others. Closing the road would have severely limited access for those with limited mobility, as there is no available parking near where the proposed gate would be installed. The closure would have required visitors to walk a substantial distance on an uneven road. The Northwest Straits Chapter participated in and communicated the opportunity for public testimony to the wider community. In response to public support for maintaining access to this location, the council voted to repeal the ordinance in late March, thus ensuring viewing access from Gulf Rd continues for the time being.