Washington State Commissioner of Public Lands Peter Goldmark recently announced he will expand Puget Sound’s Cherry Point Aquatic Reserve north of Bellingham, Washington, adding 45 acres previously considered for a large coal export terminal. At Cherry Point, the Lummi Indian Business Council cited its treaty rights last fall when they asked to add the area originally proposed for the terminal to the reserve’s boundaries. The Department of Natural Resources (DNR) then convened a committee of scientists and conducted a public State Environmental Policy Act (SEPA) review to evaluate the boundary change. The technical review committee unanimously recommended incorporating the additional 45 acres, citing important herring and eelgrass habitat vital to local salmon runs. Any projects proposed in the future for this site would have to be compatible with DNR’s 2010 Cherry Point Aquatic Reserve management plan, which precludes activities likely to have detrimental impacts on the aquatic reserve. The Northwest Straits Chapter played an important role by helping to build local support, and submitting oral and written comments in support. The chapter and Western Washington University Campus Club have increased their stewardship efforts of this special place, organizing numerous beach cleanups along the Cherry Point coastline. Read more on the Surfrider Washington Page